Our mission

To help our customers make distinctive, lasting, and substantial improvements in their performance and to build a great firm that attracts, develops, excites, and retains exceptional people.
Mission Statement

Data Center and Operational Support

  • Deploy mission-focused, secure technology and communications platforms (on-premise, cloud and hybrid-based solutions)
  • Incorporate advanced cyber security tools to protect, monitor, detect and respond to possible network attacks
  • Develop custom, reliable A/V solutions that are simple to operate and maintain
  • Specialized end-to-end customer support Life cycle and procurement management
  • Dedicated 24/7/365 network, system, A/V and data center management support
  • Configuration and knowledge management
  • Frequent cyber security and vulnerability assessments
  • Regulated, secure access to the CVAC’s network and systems for assigned HQs and foreign mission staff
  • Solutions are selected and designed to increase efficiencies and maximize security